Monday, May 14, 2012

Kelli’s (no longer just girls) Wine Tasting Party – May 10th, 2012 In The Red Wine Bar and Café

About a year and a half ago, I started hosting personal wine parties with some of my girlfriends at my house so that we could all get together, drink some wine, nibble on some snacks and have some girl talk.  I had only invited some of my close girlfriends and would ask that each person brought a bottle of wine (white or red, it didn’t matter) and a small dish that paired well with the wine they brought. We would taste each wine, but it would usually end up more of a glass than a tasting and then some girls would taste just a few and then stick to what they liked, without tasting the others.  The event was pretty  much un-organized and mostly an excuse to drink wine and have my girlfriends over(not that there's anything wrong with that).  It was fun, don’t get me wrong…but it wasn’t what I was really trying to achieve.
So…I held off on throwing another one for quite a few months, as I wanted to put together one that was both fun and an actual wine tasting.  I finally put together an event that I think went really well and was a great time. J
I invited several people, men and women and asked that everyone tell their friends.  We had about 6 people show up that were friends of a friend, so we had some new faces,faces I haven’t seen in awhile, and of course, the usual crowd - a total of 16 people.
I held it the event at In The Red Wine Bar and Café in Seattle, WA and I ordered the food from there so nobody had to bring a dish.  I asked that everyone (or couple) bring a bottle of wine in a brown bag so that no one knew what it was.  As they arrived, I took their wine and put it in a common brown bag, wrote down the varietal and who brought the wine (this was private, only for me to see) and then we began tasting each wine…1 through 15…yep that’s right – 15!
Each person was asked 3 things:
1)      What varietal were you drinking…1 -15?
2)      What wine do you think retails over $40? (this was one that I had brought, so I knew there was one over $40)
3)      Which wine is the one you brought?
We had some good “wine-o’s” that knew their stuff pretty well, I was impressed. Some prizes were given and like I said before…it was just a lot of fun.  I may change it a little for the next one (which will be much sooner, but over-all I liked the format and I’m pretty sure my guests did too. 
So keep your eye out for my next one and if you weren’t able to make to this last one, you gotta try harder on the next. J
Thanks everyone who made it so much fun and looking forward to seeing you next time – Cheers!

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